نموذج رسالة عرض عمل Job offer باللغة الإنجليزية ، حيث يعبر
مدير شئون الموظفين في شركة واتسون للهندسة عن سعادته لعرض منصب مهندس كهربائي على
السيد جون
كما يخبره عن الراتب السنوي لهذه الوظيفة و الذي
يوازي 30 ألف دولار أمريكي سنويا و بقية الحوافز المتعلقة بالوظيفة
Job Offer letter sample to have a position in Watson Engineering as an electrical engineer. Hope is is useful to you :)
December 22, 2012
John Mercer
7518 Talleyho Lane
Lexington, KY 15428
Dear Mr. Aadam:
It is with great pleasure that I am able to offer you a position at Watson Engineering as an electrical engineer.
The position pays $30,000 annually, in equal increments every other Friday. Additionally, you will receive two weeks of paid vacation every 12 months, a bonus equaling two weeks’ salary payable the payday before Christmas, health benefits and $20,000 of life insurance.
This position is a three-year agreement, after which it may be renegotiated. Either party may terminate with a two-week notice.
We are very pleased to offer you the position and are sure that you will make a superb addition to our firm. If you have any questions, please call me at any time.
Mariam Welly
Personnel Director
أزال أحد مشرفي المدونة هذا التعليق.