نموذج رسالة قبول عرض وظيفي في شركة أو مؤسسة Accept Job offer letter sample ، هذا الخطاب موجه من شخص تم قبوله كمدير تسويق إلى الشركة المشغلة.
حيث يقبل الموظف عرض العمل ، المقدم من شركة المدهون بعد ان كان مجتمعا مع قسم
التسويق ، والذي سيلتحق به كمدير للتسويق ويعرب عن تفاؤله بهذا القسم نظرا لجدارة
الفريق في العمل وكما انه قد وقع وأرفق العقد المتضمن الراتب والعمولة
I am pleased to accept your offer to join Madhoon Corporation as
a marketing Manager.
The meeting with your marketing staff convinced me that I will be
working with a successful team in a dynamic company, and I look forward to
contributing to the team's efforts. As you requested, I have signed and
enclosed the contract which details my salary as well as commission bonuses.
I appreciate the literature you sent on the company's retirement and insurance programs. Thanks also for offering to answer questions I may have concerning these benefits, when I report to you for orientation at 9:00 a.m. on Tuesday, January 2.
I appreciate the literature you sent on the company's retirement and insurance programs. Thanks also for offering to answer questions I may have concerning these benefits, when I report to you for orientation at 9:00 a.m. on Tuesday, January 2.
I appreciate your help in processing the employment papers and look forward
to our January meeting.
اريد الشرح الفقرة
ردحذفIt is a pleasure to accept the position of risk manager,
effective January 3, 20XX. I am eager to begin my new
Thank you for your confidence in me. I will do my best to
surpass the challenge presented by Johns Oil Company’s
phenomenal growth.
Cody Helm
أزال أحد مشرفي المدونة هذا التعليق.