الجمعة، 19 أكتوبر 2012

طلب أسعار الإعلان عن طريق التلفزيون Request For Television Advertisement Fee

في هذه الرسالة ( الطلب) يعلن المرسل عن رغبته  في الإعلان عن طريق التلفزيون مع طلب الأسعار وتحديد المدة الزمنية للإعلان ب 40 ثانية وتحديد الفترة المسائية  لعرض الإعلان 

Request For Television Advertisement Fee
[DATE, ex. Wednesday, June 11, 2014]

General Manager
MBCA Television
P.O.Box : xxxxxxxxx
Cairo - Egypt

Dear [NAME, ex. Mr. Sameer],

We are interested in producing and running a television advertisement [TIME PERIOD, ex. during September]. The expected duration is [DURATION, ex. 40 seconds] and we plan to run [X] spots in the [TIME OF DAY, ex. early afternoon period].

I would greatly appreciate it if you would call me at XXX-XXXX to discuss the services you provide and your advertisement rates.

I look forward to speaking with you.


Alaa Mahmoud
General Manager

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